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Writing Projects


A villain obsessed with the hero; a hero obligated to slay the villain. Locked in a bitter war; together they flourish, together they fall. Your actions will decide the fate of the star-crossed pair.


Pitch document to fulfil a brief.

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REMINDER! Board Game

A passive aggressive tile-placement board game. Fill your week with as many events from reminder cards to score points. Work together, show initiative, or sabotage your colleagues. Most efficient wins.


Board game created from the prompt 'Reminder' at Coatsink Game Jam 2023.

The Sims™ 4 Kits

Self set brief to create themed kits that focus on writing item descriptions in the style of The Sims™.

All art, products, and Sim builds featured do not belong to me.


Contemporary YA Novel aimed at teens exploring themes of body positivity, body autonomy, and LGBTQ+ relationships.


67,000+ words, submitted to publishers via a literary agent in 2019 but ultimately passed.

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"I loved Mae, and found her voice warm, relatable and gently funny." - Usborne


"Fiona writes with a very authentic teen voice and the issues she tackles are indeed important ones." - Stripes


"I did really like Fiona’s writing [...] body positive novels in YA are so important to combat the images that are everywhere in the media." - Simon and Schuster


"I really liked Mae’s candid, funny voice and appreciated all the incredibly important issues the manuscript raises." - Scholastic


Self developed projects at Coatsink.


  • Patch notes for Astronimo and Moonglow Bay.

  • Named 7 fish in Moonglow Bay (2021): 

    • ​Crustaceans: Heart Crab, Conch Crab, Sandy-Claw Crab, Trident Lobster

    • Squid: Bishop Squid, Blushing Cuttlefish, Rococo Shrimp

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